Software Defined Radio (SDR)

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Eine Android-App, welche es ermöglicht, transcodierten DV-Betrieb mit dem Handy zu machen

  • German Amateur Radio Station DG9VH
  • Server is temporary down. 
    09:00 Received email from server provider. Server is suspended. No reason given.
    10:00 Called/emailed the provider no response. 
    10:30 Working on failback plan
    11:00 Called/emailed the provider. Reason of suspend was to many streams. They did not trusted it so disabled the server. They did not contacted me before they suspended the machine.
    11:30 is now also down. 
    11:30 Called the provider again. They have no idea. I have to wait on an email.
    12:00 Called again.. I have to wait on an email
    12:30 Called again.. I have to wait on an email
    13:00 ordered a new server
    13:15 received email from new server provider, no limitations on streams. Hope they deploy fast so I can do the migrate.
    14:00 The new server is ready for restore. Waiting for my other provider to enable the servers again so I can migrate.
    14:15 called the provider again to enable the servers. 
    15:00 called the provider again to enable the servers.
    15:45 received email that the servers are stopped. ( Do you think I did not noticed? )
    15:45 Replied that they have to turn on my servers.
    In the meanwhile, I moved to my other server. I can not start the reflector software because of resource issues.
    I am not amused about this provider :-(
    David PA7LIM

VLF-Funk und Basteleien

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Temperatur, Luftdruck und Feinstaubmessung hier in Ingolstadt durch einen OM

Der neue Amaterufunksatellit QATAR Oscar-100

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